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Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
This BMP provides an opportunity to protect nesting grassland birds by incorporating rotational grazing with the intent of leaving some areas ungrazed until after July 15. The goal is to maximize existing forage resources through effective management and maintain ungrazed grassland bird refuge areas until mid-July.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
This BMP provides an opportunity to protect nesting grassland birds by incorporating rotational grazing with the intent of leaving some areas ungrazed until after July 15. The goal is to maximize existing forage resources through effective management and maintain ungrazed grassland bird refuge areas until mid-July.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
Grass strips are encouraged to support environmental objectives, including pollinator habitat or erosion control, so long as they do not reduce habitat suitability for the American Badger, grassland birds, Rusty-patched and Gypsy Cuckoo Bumble Bees and Monarch.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
Grass strips are encouraged to support environmental objectives, including pollinator habitat or erosion control, so long as they do not reduce habitat suitability for the American Badger, grassland birds, Rusty-patched and Gypsy Cuckoo Bumble Bees and Monarch.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
Funding is to support permanent fencing to exclude livestock from forest/woodland areas and treed corridors (e.g., established windbreaks, tree buffer strips) to protect critical forage and habitat areas for Monarch, Eastern Foxsnake, Gypsy Cuckoo and Rusty-patched Bumble Bees.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
Funding is to support permanent fencing to exclude livestock from forest/woodland areas and treed corridors (e.g., established windbreaks, tree buffer strips) to protect critical forage and habitat areas for Monarch, Eastern Foxsnake, Gypsy Cuckoo and Rusty-patched Bumble Bees.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
Grassland birds are particularly vulnerable while they nest between early May through to mid-July. Many managed Ontario grasslands (hay fields) are harvested at least once in that time frame, which is devastating to young grassland birds. Delaying the first cut of hay until July 15 or later allows grassland birds time to fledge the nest, greatly increasing survival rates.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
Grassland birds are particularly vulnerable while they nest between early May through to mid-July. Many managed Ontario grasslands (hay fields) are harvested at least once in that time frame, which is devastating to young grassland birds. Delaying the first cut of hay until July 15 or later allows grassland birds time to fledge the nest, greatly increasing survival rates.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
Agricultural grasslands include hayfields and pasture composed of tame or native species that provide critical breeding habitat for Henslow’s Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark and Loggerhead Shrike. This BMP provides an opportunity to restore agricultural land to permanent grassland.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
Agricultural grasslands include hayfields and pasture composed of tame or native species that provide critical breeding habitat for Henslow’s Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark and Loggerhead Shrike. This BMP provides an opportunity to restore agricultural land to permanent grassland.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Accepting Applications
Funding is to support the planting of native trees and shrubs that will provide corridors for species such as the Eastern Foxsnake and American Badger and an early source of nectar and pollen for the Gypsy Cuckoo and Rusty-patched Bumble Bees.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Accepting Applications
Funding is to support the planting of native trees and shrubs that will provide corridors for species such as the Eastern Foxsnake and American Badger and an early source of nectar and pollen for the Gypsy Cuckoo and Rusty-patched Bumble Bees.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
Wetlands have many benefits for farmers and wildlife, including flood mitigation, improved water quality, and habitat enhancement for SAR such as the Henlow’s Sparrow, Barn Swallow, and Little Brown Bat.

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands

50% of Eligible Project Implementation Costs
Not Accepting Applications
Wetlands have many benefits for farmers and wildlife, including flood mitigation, improved water quality, and habitat enhancement for SAR such as the Henlow’s Sparrow, Barn Swallow, and Little Brown Bat.